Course: Safeguarding Against Radicalisation (WRAP) Training (Virtual)
Date: 20 May 2025 — 2.00pm-3.30pm
Trainer: Jane Murphy, Prevent Education Officer
Location: Virtual — Microsoft Teams
Course Description:
This training explains Prevent (the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy), the radicalisation process, how to identify at-risk people, how to raise concerns and appropriate safeguarding responses.
WRAP training is aimed at increasing your understanding, knowledge, and awareness in issues relating to radicalisation and extremism while helping professionals counter extremist narratives.
Course Objectives:
Participants will gain:
— An understanding of understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it.
— An awareness of what we mean by the term “extremism” and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
— The ability to use existing expertise and professional judgment to recognise potential vulnerable individuals and know when an intervention may be necessary to support them.
— Knowledge of how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences.
Target Audience:
Anyone working with individuals that are vulnerable to radicalisation including: Youth workers, Social workers, Teachers, Early Years. This event is suitable for professionals in all Working Together Groups and meets the requirements of Level 3 of the Intercollegiate Document.
The CSCP will be delivering both face-to-face and virtual safeguarding training during the summer term. Please ensure that you have read the course description, so you are clear on the delivery method for the course you have booked. Further details will be shared with you closer to the course date.
— Delegates need to register for a CSCP training account.
— Apply to join the course.
— An automated confirmation email will be received if your application is successful.
— Further details will be shared before the course date including the location of the course.
— Complete the three-stage evaluation which delegates will receive by email.
If the session you are attending is virtual:
— Please make sure you can access Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
— There is an expectation that all delegates engage and fully participate in the sessions and always have their camera on.
— Keep questions general, and avoid giving any information that could be used to identify a child or family.
— Use headphones or a headset and always keep your speaker on mute if you’re not speaking.
— Don’t record any of the online conversation.
— Make sure other people you live with, especially children, are not in the room and cannot overhear sensitive information.
— Don’t use any other devices while you’re taking part.
— Join on laptop or PC for a better experience.
Failure of any of the above will result in the delegate not receiving their certificate of accreditation.