Digital Safeguarding Briefings

Digital Safeguarding Briefings

Transitional Safeguarding

Transitional safeguarding digital briefings have been developed with Research in Practice.

On this page, we have 4 bitesize videos introducing transitional safeguarding and how those working with adolescents (10–24 year olds) can reframe they’re thinking and develop their safeguarding practise when working with young people and young adults.

You can watch the video in full which is available towards the bottom of the page or you can watch it in 4 shorter bite sized chunks with the reflective questions that follow.

Part 1: Introduction to transitional safeguarding — A way of thinking

Part 1 of 4 describes what is meant by transitional safeguarding and why it is important to challenge ourselves to think beyond binary notions of childhood and adulthood in our work with young people/adults.

Question for your reflection:

— How is this way of thinking relevant to your role and your interactions with adolescents?

Part 2: Case studies — What does transitional safeguarding look like in practice?

Part 2 of 4 runs through case studies and what transitional safeguarding can look like in practice?

Question for your reflection:

— Are there parallels between your own work and the case studies? What do you think were the positive aspects of your approach and what could you have done differently?

Part 3: A re-think on how we work with adolescents? Part 3 of 4 challenges us to re-think on how we work with adolescents and the cross-cutting themes of contextual safeguarding.

Question for your reflection:

— Do you work in an evidence-informed way and adapt your approach to new evidence? What approaches/values shape your practice judgements?

Part 4: What could a system re-design look like? Part 4 of 4 calls for us to think about the concepts of protective and participative practice when working with adolescents.

Question for your reflection:

— Within the context of your role and interactions, how do you empower the adolescents you work with?

— How can you be more collaborative in your approach? Are there local/community organisations that you can work with?

Transitional safeguarding (whole film)

This digital briefing is for those working with adolescents (10–24 year olds). The film describes what transitional safeguarding is, why it is essential to develop and embed in order to safeguard young people into adulthood.

Transitional safeguarding conference

On the 15th October, over 80 multi-agency safeguarding professionals across children and adults services came together (online) to talk about how to safeguard vulnerable adolescents fluidly across the developmental stages to young adulthood. It was an opportunity to think together beyond the binary notions of childhood and adulthood. With the help of Dr Carlene Firmin (University of Bedfordshire) and Dez Holmes, Director of Research in Practice, the digital event was a call for a re-design of safeguarding and support services for adolescents/young adults. Click on the links below to find out more.