Child Exploitation
Child exploitation can affect any child or young person, male or female, under the age of 18. The main types of exploitation experienced by young people are criminal and sexual exploitation. Preventing child exploitation is a priority for Camden. There are similarities between criminal and sexual exploitation, which may also overlap. Victims may, at any one time, be experiencing both. People who exploit children for criminal or sexual purposes can use similar techniques, such as pressure, violence and intimidation, and hold all of the power in the relationship.
Their abuser may be older and can exert influence or power. This can also be a ‘hidden’ problem — many young people do not realise they are being exploited, even though they are not giving informed consent.
Watch — What All Parents Should Know
(short film of about two minutes by Camden Parent Council and motionworx)
- Calling the Police 101 number and quoting ‘Camden Makesafe’, or call 999 if you think a child or young person is in immediate danger.
- Calling the NSPCC child protection line on 0808 800 5000 (24 hours) or contact the Children and Families Contact Service on 020 7974 3317
Useful websites and links
- County Lines — Information for Parents
- Camden and Islington — Young People’s Sexual Health Services
- NSPCC advice for parents and carers
- Barnardo’s advice and resources for parents and carers
- Parents Protect!
- Young people, relationships and the law — short documentary film by Camden Summer University students
- Stop it Now!
- MOSAC — supporting non-abusing parents of abused children