Where to Get Help

Where to Get Help

If you feel that a child is at immediate risk, please call the Police on 999.

Sometimes members of the public may have concerns about a child or think that families would benefit from extra help and will want to refer them for a social work service or an early help service. All requests and referrals for children’s services, whether for early help services or a social work service, now go to the Children and Families Contact Service. This way, we can make sure that children and families get the right sort of help from the start.If you feel that you or someone you know needs help, advice or support you can call our Children and Families Contact Service on 020 7974 3317 or by email LBCMASHadmin@camden.gov.uk

The Children and Families Contact Service is a multi-agency team that incorporates the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team and the First Stop Early Help team. The Contact Service is responsible for making decisions on referrals and requests for services to ensure that children and families get the most suitable services and support depending on their level of need.

Play Video
Video: Introduction to Camden Children’s Services in British Sign Language (BSL)