

Useful Documents

Neglect Tools

The following neglect tools have been selected to help professionals identify those children who may be experiencing neglect and to inform decisions on referring children for a social care service. The tools, which are rooted in child development, are designed to help professionals explore the standard of care given and measure the impact of the quality of care on the child’s development.

Multi-agency Audit: Neglect and Cross-cutting Abuse During the Pandemic

Over 2021–22 the CSCP commissioned a multi-agency audit focusing on Neglect and cross-cutting abuse during the pandemic. As a partnership, assurance was required in terms of how partners worked together on cases involving neglect as a feature. The below summary has been developed which outlines good practice and areas of learning identified as part of this process. Multi-agency audits are used as a dynamic tool to make system improvements and improve outcomes for children and young people.