Radicalisation and Extremism
Under Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, organisations have a duty to refer young people where there are concerns that they are being radicalised.
If you have a concern that a child is at risk of being radicalised or would like to discuss an issue please contact:
The Children & Families Contact Service, Camden’s single access point providing advice, information and support for children and young people who may need extra help or who are vulnerable and at risk:
Email: LBCMASHadmin@camden.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 7974 3317 (9am to 5pm)
Out of hours: 020 7974 4444
For further information and advice you can contact prevent@camden.gov.uk or call 020 7974 1008.
If you believe anyone is at immediate risk of harm call the police on 999.
What is Prevent?
Prevent is part of the Government’s overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST which was updated in June 2018 with the aim to reduce the risk to the UK, its citizens and interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence. Prevent is one of the four ‘P’ work strands that form the strategic framework:
- Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
- Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks.
- Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack.
- Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.
This Prevent Duty includes ensuring that those working with children, young people and adults are trained to understand the risk of terrorism in the local area; to be able to identify when an individual is at risk of radicalisation; and to know what to do once that risk is identified by making a referral through the Channel process. To view the range of courses provided by the Camden Safeguarding Children Board please click here.
What is Channel?
Channel is a process that is part of the Prevent strategy. The process is a multi-agency approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism. The programme uses a multi-agency approach to protect vulnerable people by:
- Identifying individuals at risk.
- Assessing the nature and extent of that risk.
- Developing the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned.
Your Duty
The Prevent Duty Guidance makes it clear that frontline staff who engage with the public should:
- Understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it.
- Be aware of what we mean by the term ‘extremism’ and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
- Know what measures are available to prevent people from becoming drawn into terrorism and how to challenge the extremist ideology that can be associated with it.
- Understand how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences.
Spotting the Signs:
The government’s Prevent Strategy recognises that there is no socio-demographic profile of a terrorist in the UK, and no single pathway, leading to terrorism, however, there are certain risk factors which may increase an individual’s vulnerability to radicalisation of all kinds.
Channel is aimed at individuals who may be at most risk. Children, young people and adults can be drawn into violence or be exposed to messages from extreme groups through many different means. These can include; exposure through the influence of family or friends and/or direct contact with extreme groups and organisations or increasingly, through the internet. An adult or young person at risk or vulnerable to radicalisation can thereafter be on a pathway leading to terrorism.
There are many reasons why individuals are vulnerable; their circumstances, experiences or state of mind could have an influence.
Risk factors can include:
- A need to dominate and control others.
- A need for identity, meaning and belonging.
- Having a criminal history.
- Mental health issues.
- Being from a vulnerable age group.
- Having lost interest in friends or activities.
- Possessing materials or symbols associated with an extremist cause.
- Being influenced or controlled by a group.
- Feelings of injustice or having political grievances.